Автор чек-листа:
Таня Гавриляко
21 октября 2019 года

Чек-лист розвитку компетентності вчителя іноземної мови засобами цифрових технологій

Digital technology in education is the best complementary tool for teachers in the classroom. It is motivating and stimulating for students.

It creates a unique experience as much for the teacher as the students.

Also it promote interactivity and collaboration within learning.

Take part in webinars like "Digital Learning Platforms and their role in the educational industry" or "Digital technologies at the English lessons"
Visiting such events will help you to broaden your horizons of effective language learning.
Create an active learning group in social networking (like Viber or Facebook)
It will become a helping hand for you in the afterschool language teaching.
Create and use an interactive game with Kahoot.
A good way to change a classroom activity and revise the material of the lesson.
Make a virtual excursion or traveling to the one of the landmarks of English speaking countries.
Use interactive systems of testing and control like Plickers/ Seesaw Platform/ Mozaik Education
Shoot an educational video according to one of the Lexical or Grammar topics you are studying now.
Conduct an online lesson for your kids or webinar for your colegues.
An unusual form of teaching can be very effective and attractive for English learners.
Make a web-quest lesson using BookWidgets platform.
Students are better involved if we use online games.
Start a social project challenge in the Net.
Ecological, educational or healhy life style problems can draw attention of people. It will be such a great teamwork project which promotes interactivity and collaboration within learning.

Checklist by Tetiana Havryliako

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