25 июня 2021 года

Free Time & Hobbies

В этом чек-листе вы можете прослеживать темы и видеть вспомогательные вопросы, которые помогут вам в поддержании диалога. Вы можете отмечать те пункты, которые уже обсудили.


1. Do you have enough free time?

Do you have much free time in the mornings?
Do you have much free time during the day?
Do you have much free time in the evenings?

2. What did you do last summer vacation?

What did you do last summer vacation?
What is your "dream" vacation?

3. How do you like to spend your free time?

Going shopping?
Going to the cinema?
Playing sports?
Reading and relaxing?

4. Places to hang out

Tell your partner about some good places to hang out.
Why are they good?
Tell about your experience if you have.

5. Do men and women spend their free time differently?

Do men and women spend their free time differently?
How do the women in your family usually spend their free time?
How do the men in your family usually spend their free time?

6. Do you ever feel that you waste your free time?

Do you ever feel that you waste your free time? How?
Why do you think it happens?
What can you do about this?

Thank you !

Автор: скрыт

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